What stages in our lives do our joints and bones need a little more TLC?

What stages in our lives do our joints and bones need a little more TLC?

Women age 45 years +

Bone is living tissue. Bone mass increases throughout growth until our early twenties, when peak bone mass is achieved. But, from the age of about 40 years, bone loss exceeds bone formation and bone mass gradually decreases.

Bone formation and bone resorption are influenced by physical activity and diet. An inactive lifestyle leads to bone wastage and excessive loss of bone tissue leads to osteoporosis, a condition that is characterised by bone fragility and increased risk of fractures.

How can joint and bone help women through the menopause?

The hormonal changes of peri-menopause and menopause when oestrogen levels fall triggers a loss of minerals in bone tissue. Adding extra support at this time targeted for bone and joint health can help reduce the risk of the development of osteoporosis . Joint support supplements generally contain vitamin D and calcium, a good combination for healthy bones.

In men, the gradual decline in sex hormones can also lead to bone weakness but this often happens later in life.  

Injury recovery

No matter what the age and stage, if you are pushing your body harder than normal, or recovering from an injury or operation, a little supplemental TLC can go a long way to helping your body repair.

Whether it’s a fractured bone, torn cartilage or sensitive joints, Sense for joint and bone health provides the combination of nutrients designed to help your body restore and repair.

Connective tissues including tendons and ligaments which connect muscles to bones provide support and structure throughout the body and are prone to injury and inflammation.  Vitamin C helps acts as an antioxidant helping reduce inflammation, reduce muscle and joint pain and stiffness while zinc promotes repair of connective tissue.